M&M Moments: Guiding Hand

Every Saturday in the fall, college football fans migrate to their favorite team's campus in hopes of a victory. I come from Bulldog country and the red and black runs deep. My wife and I recently started taking our young twin girls on these journeys and it's been a joy to watch the events unfold … Continue reading M&M Moments: Guiding Hand

M&M Moments: Can I Sit With You?

"Can I sit with you?" It's phrase I've heard hundreds of times in the past few years. I usually hear it at a restaurant near the end of a meal. It's a request that comes from one if not both of my twin daughters. They love to snuggle and sit in the lap of my … Continue reading M&M Moments: Can I Sit With You?

Eager to return

  They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I recently found out how true this was on a missions trip to Brazil. It was a trip with the purpose of laying block for a new church building. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. What made it more significant was the … Continue reading Eager to return

M&M Moments: Clean Slate

We recently bought our twin girls, Mattie and Macie, a set of cheap magna doodles. My wife purchased them at a local store for three dollars. The girls loved them. Mattie especially loved hers and she wanted to take it everywhere she went. She held it while she ate, took in the car and she … Continue reading M&M Moments: Clean Slate

M&M Moments: Trust Fall

"And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." - John 10:28 The "trust fall" is a game people like to play where one person crosses his arms and falls backwards trusting in a person behind them to catch them. Mattie and … Continue reading M&M Moments: Trust Fall

M&M Moments: Heaven On Earth

My favorite day of the week is Saturday. I know as a good Christian that Sunday should be my favorite, but Sundays are very busy for us and leave us exhausted. Saturdays for us are usually our day of rest. I think it's more how God envisioned the day of rest to be. The modern … Continue reading M&M Moments: Heaven On Earth

M&M Moments: Bloody Lip

It was a typical night at our house. Lauren was busy cooking, and I was emptying the dishwasher or doing whatever I could to help. All the while, the twins were playing under our feet. They love to play in the kitchen. They explore the cabinets where we keep their food and they play with … Continue reading M&M Moments: Bloody Lip

M&M Moments: Macie walking!

M&M Moments is a new segment that I'm starting in my blog to chronicle our various adventures with our twin girls Mattie and Macie. They have just turned a year old and they are surprising us daily with new tricks. The latest accomplishment was Macie taking her first steps. Mattie has been walking for a … Continue reading M&M Moments: Macie walking!